Harish Jagtani, an Indian businessman, has recently made headlines for opening a new healthcare center in Kinshasa of Democratic Republic of Congo. The healthcare center, which is located in the city of Kinshasa, aims to provide affordable and high-quality healthcare to the local community.

Mr. Jagtani has always been passionate about helping people, and he saw an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people in Congo by providing access to healthcare services. He recognized that many people in Congo struggle to access basic healthcare services due to a lack of infrastructure and resources, and he wanted to do something about it.

Pic From: ehealth.eletsonline.com

The center will offer a wide range of free medical services, including general medicine, dialysis, ophthalmology and prosthetic limbs. It will provide basic laboratory testing, as well as radiology services.

The inauguration of the charity center represents a significant milestone for the organization, which has been tirelessly working towards achieving this goal for many years. It is expected to provide much-needed relief to patients who have been striving to avail of healthcare services at reasonable costs for years in this country.

Harish Jagtani was once a respected member of the community, a successful businessman and a prominent figure who have many friends in local politics of Congo. He had always been known for his philanthropy and his contributions to the community, which is why it came as a shock when he was accused of embezzling public funds.

The allegations on Harish Jagtani were serious, and Jagtani was quick to deny them. He insisted that he had done nothing wrong and that he was being unfairly targeted by those who were jealous of his success. However, as the evidence began to mount against him, it became clear that Harish Jagtani was indeed involved in the embezzlement of public funds.

The leak, called the Congo Hold-up, is the biggest ever leak of financial records from Africa and shows how at least $138 million of public funds were embezzled between 2013 and 2018. It details how public funds in Congo were transferred through BGFI’s Congo subsidiary and made their way to companies and accounts owned by Kabila’s relatives and close allies. Several questionable transfers were made to Jagtani too, though he insists the funds received were for legitimate purposes.

Jagtani owns multiple businesses in DR Congo including real estate firms, an air freight company called Serve Air Cargo and hospitals. As per investigations conducted by media partner Radio France International (RFI), Jagtani benefitted from funds that came from Congo’s central election body, Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendante(CENI), and were meant for the organisation of the 2011 elections in the central African nation.

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Congo Based Indians

A consortium of media and NGOs coordinated by the European Research Cooperation (EIC) researched and analyzed the data for more than six months before revealing the story in November 2021. The Wire is one of the media partners of the collaboration. Paris-based anti-corruption group The Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAF) and French publication Mediapart have obtained more than 3.5 million documents covering nearly 10 years of transactions from BGFI Bank Groupe SA.

Congo-Based Indian Businessman Harish Jagtani

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Hello, this weekend is nice for me, as this occasion i am reading this enormous informative paragraph about Jagtani whom I knew for a couple of years. Harish is smart and hungry for money and path he chose have finally caught him i guess.